Bag the Hun 2 B17 Combat Box Game

On the 21st November there’s another Bag the Hun 2 game at the club, this time featuring a combat box formation of 8th Air Force B17G’s being attacked by the fighters of the Luftwaffe, somewhere over Germany in early 1945.

There are seven players already signed up to play and one place remaining for anyone who would like to fly for the Fatherland or for good old Uncle Sam. Alan will be leading the Luftwaffe while the job of USAAF fighter leader is up for grabs!

The game will feature P51D Mustang, P38J Lightning and P47D Thunderbolt ‘Little Friends’ as escorts for the ‘Heavies’, while the Luftwaffe will be flying FW190A8’s, FW190D9’s, Bf109K’s and Me262’s, in an attempt to shoot down the ‘Dicke Autos’. There may even be some Me163 Komet rocket powered interceptors!

Pauke! Pauke!