We are now half way to Urga in the club Back of Beyond campaign.
The French are well in the lead being three steps away from the objective, the ancient silk road town of Urga in Mongolia. The British, Bolsheviks and Chinese are all in equal place at five steps away, while the Mad Baron and Japanese are trailing along in a cloud of dust at the back, six steps away.
The French are confident that they can sweep all before them using their superior firepower but the Chinese are now itching to give them a bloody nose, having been narrowly defeated in Turn Three.
The Bolsheviks are also keen to have a crack at the Japanese and the Chinese, avoiding the decadent capitalists with their modern weaponry and training.
The British are having a nice cup of tea while the Japanese and Chinese lick their wounds. Finally, the Mad Baron is doing his own unpredictable thing but may well pop up at some point out of nowhere to sweep all before him.
Anything can happen in the last three turns and there could well be some decisive battles to come in Turn Four!