Last week we played another game of What a Tanker! with Soviet T34/42’s against German Panzer Mark IV’s. It all went very well for Ivan and Svetlana but Hans and Rudi had a very bad day out. Za Rodina!
Last week we played another game of What a Tanker! with Soviet T34/42’s against German Panzer Mark IV’s. It all went very well for Ivan and Svetlana but Hans and Rudi had a very bad day out. Za Rodina!
This week at the club, Andy wasn’t shot down and probably won an Iron Cross. His Junkers did end up looking like a colander though. Everyone else managed to escape in tatters with various bits falling off, except for Colin’s Camel, which fell to the guns of Caesar’s Albatros. There will be more WW1 dogfighting action next year! Tally Ho!
On the first of October there will be a multiplayer WW1 air dogfight using the club house rules, Knights of the Sky. Tally Ho !
Next week it’s all gone Full Thrust, with at least one and possibly two games up and running. There may well be some spaces available if you want to have a go.
This week at the club, Dickie is running a Napoleonic naval game in 1/3000th scale, featuring the French, Spanish and British. The rules are A+A Game Engineering’s fast play Grand Fleet Actions in the Age of Sail. Alan will be a Spanish Commodore. What could possibly go wrong?
This week there’s a convoy attack game with Gary and Alan battling it out somewhere in the North Sea. The Cruel Seas indeed!
All the nice boys like a sailor, so this week Dickie is running a 1/3000th scale pre-dreadnought naval game. In addition, there’s the usual Sharp Practice Napoleonic skirmish, no doubt featuring Laurent’s superbly painted French columns against Gary’s Thin Red Lines, with Alan’s Landwehr probably arriving just in the nick of time. It all promises to be a fine evening of wargaming!
There’s a big multiplayer game of Black Powder at the club this week, with loads of room for players to join in. As usual, it’s the English Civil War in 28mm using everyone’s figures, so expect to see the Scots, Irish and possibly even some Cossacks, assuming Dickie gets any say in the matter (they’ll be the ones with snow on their boots)
This week at the club it’s a return to Cruel Seas, with the coastal forces of the Kriegsmarine out in strength for a clash mid-Channel against the Royal Navy. There will be plenty of action but, due to the set-up, no places to join in. If you want to drop by for a game, there will also be a Sharp Practice Napoleonic skirmish with some space for people to play.
This week there’s an Ancients game of Sword and Spear in 15mm, featuring the mighty Carthaginians and another Napoleonic outing for Sharp Practice in 28mm. There will probably be some room for players to drop in to either game or just pop along for a chat and a pint.