Back of Beyond Campaign Battle Report: The Japanese vs. The British Museum

Ms Miggins cleans her trusty .600 Holland and Holland ‘Nitro Express’ special


Pah! Barbarians! These English lady soldiers are despicable!
Aiiiie! Let’s get out of here before they bring on the jam and scones!

A very hard fought battle this turn between the British Museum and the Japanese Expeditionary Force, won in the end by the stiff upper lip, derring-do and fluffy scones of the ‘Pankhurst Battalion’ (whatever next?). STOP. The Japanese did put up a good fight but were given a sound thrashing by Ms Miggins and her lady friends (ooh err). STOP. Unfortunately, a full report of the battle has been delayed due a strike by Yak herders on the trans-Gobi postal route, so this brief telegram will have to suffice. STOP.There’s only one other game to resolve this turn and then it will be on to Turn Four!