The WW1 aerial game using the club house rules, Knights of the Sky, was a decisive victory for the Imperial German Air Service, despite the best attempts of the Royal Flying Corps and Aviation Militaire to complete the mission. This involved a flight of DH2’s escorting an Re8 on an artillery spotting mission over the Ancre Sector in February 1917. A second flight of French Nieuport 17’s provided top cover, while the Germans were tasked with shooting down the Re8 before it could complete three orbits of the target.
The pilots of Jasta 2 managed to shoot down the Re8 before it could complete it’s artillery spotting mission, although it did make two complete turns around the objective. The French suffered from some repeated gun jams which meant that they struggled to defend the Re8 despite being in position to hammer the enemy on several occasions. Meanwhile, the DH2’s of No29 Squadron did their best to hold off the Alabtros and Roland machines, with a spectacular last breath shot by the flight leader downing a German as his own machine plummeted earthwards.
The final tally was one DH2, a Nieuport 17 and the Re8 shot down, for one Roland CII and several badly damaged Alabtros scouts. A good game and one which will be featuring at the club once again in the not too distant future. Thanks to Andy, Caesar, Colin, John, Gary, Laurent, Martyn and, last but not least, to Richard for the brilliant rules!